Wow. I have majorly deserted my blog. So I am back and my goal is to update, even very brief updates, once a week. I know. I know. I have said this before. But I will really update it once a week. Or more! Can it be done? YES IT CAN! That way I will not have to have mega-long blog posts. I also decided to give my blog a little face lift that was long overdue. So here goes....
What is new with the Duffy Boys since the last post?
First I will begin with James, our big man on campus. Let me start by saying that the threes, well they are pretty interesting and make me tired! You can now have full on normal conversations with James. He has a lot of opinions (hmmm, wonder where he got that from!) and he is ever so happy to share them all with you. We call him the "Little Professor" because he he so serious when he talks to you and uses a lot of hand gestures. I think in a past life he may have been Italian. I love all my Italian friends! This is a big compliment! He looks at you with those huge brown eyes and you just want to eat him up he is so sweet when he is explaining things to you. He has been really interested in specific things since he was 17 months old (the first was flags of all things), and we have moved through various interests. His current ones are bugs and dinosaurs, and of course the fascination with trains remains. Man oh man, what this kid can tell you about bugs, dinos and trains. Thanks to his science teacher momma he knows about insects having six legs and where the thorax is. He knows which bugs eat what. He is always telling me that bugs are our friends. As far as dinos go, he can name so many and what they eat and what kind of teeth they have. On trains he points out the type of car, but calls the last car a "big-in-the-boose". Not sure why, but I love it and don't have the heart to correct him anymore. James has lots of "favorite things in the whole world" that he likes to tell us about, but he hates and I mean HATES going to bed. We bought his big boy bedding and will be transitioning him from a toddler bed to the bottom bunk of a bunk bed soon. Check out his new bedding here. We also sold his old bedding so his room is kind of bare at the moment. He hasn't seemed to notice...typical boy! :-) He loves school and tells me about his adventures every night. Seems like his favorite things there are playing outside, playing with play dough and doing centers. His teachers are always planning something special and he has learned so much! He also likes music day which is every Tuesday when someone comes in and does "Wiggles and Tunes". Yesterday was a big day for James. He had his first t-ball practice. He LOVED it. We've got to pick up some equipment for that and he is pretty psyched about all of it. Of course, with the threes comes the testing, testing, testing. He is a pro! Teaching your kids to be respectful and kind is a tough job. Sometimes he flat wears me out. My favorite things about James are his serious faces that he gets when he is talking about something that is important to him and the way his little face crinkles up when he throws his head back and this beautiful and infectious laughter comes out if his mouth. How he gets so mad at me when I make him do right, but then comes running to me to kiss a boo boo or snuggle with me. The pulling away battle has begun and is in full swing. But what a privilege to be the mommy of sons. To grow good men - that is my goal. No matter how exhausted I become!!! I CANNOT imagine life without this busy little boy in it!
Now on to the B. Oh the B! I can't tell you how wonderful Brendan is and how happy I am that he is part of our family. He brings so much to our family and was just the missing puzzle piece. We are constantly tickled at how different he and James are, but how they are the perfect match for brothers. They are best friends and worst enemies, one second doubled over in laughter and the next screaming at the top of their lungs. For the most part, they balance each other out and I am SO glad they have each other. Brendan is the ying to James' yang. James is the whipped cream, and Brendan is the cherry on top. Brendan is, simply, the MOST joyful little person I have ever met. I have never met someone who is in such a chronically good mood. You can learn a lot from someone so happy all the time. It is contagious! He is all soft corners and kisses. And he is still a momma's boy and I love every single second of it! I am so enjoying watching him grow. I am very excited that he has started loving books and can often be found sitting in a pile of board books looking through all of them. We read every night before bed and he will pick out the books and toddle over to me and climb up on my lap. It melts my heart. He is also talking so much now. I am really impressed. (James talked pretty late...first words on time but really talking took quite some time.) I am convinced it is because he hears so much language. When I talked to James as a baby he of course didn't talk back. But Brendan is being exposed to so much more language - two way language. Yesterday he talked in a couple of short sentence. His first sentences were: "Oh no! Where is Daddy? Where Daddy go?" Brendan's favorite things are airplanes, dogs, swinging and taking a bath. He can spot a plane from so far away and he will do baby sign language to show you. He adores our dog Cheesecake and will tell me that doggies say "Woof Woof". Whenever he can he tries to dart out the back door to swing. This kid would seriously be content to swing for hours. So grateful for our nice swing set we put in last year. James has even started pushing B on the swing. It is pretty darn cute! And bath time. Well it is pretty messy because we have to have about 100 toys in there, or at least it seems like that many and Brendan just has to dump water over the side of the tub. But he adores bath time so we try to let them have a lot of extra time to play in there. I would say it is easily one of the favorite parts of their day. Brendan never cries or is grouchy about getting his hair washed (unlike someone else who shall remain nameless!). Brendan is still good about sleeping and he loves to cuddle up in his bed. He is still cuddly in general but starting to exert his independence more. I knew this day was coming, but oh how I wish we could put it on hold for just a little longer. Each time I look at B he seems a little taller, a littler leaner. Where did my baby go? If only they could stay tiny forever. If only. Brendan also loves his school. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful place for our children to learn and explore. What they are getting to do each day and the genuine caring I see from the teachers makes my heart so happy. Brendan loves his teacher Ms. Tammy so much. She says "Oh Boy" a lot and so now B says it too and I just love it. Each day I am learning something new about Brendan and it is the best surprise each day to hear him say a new word or making me laugh over something new.
This has been the latest and greatest on my two sweet little ones! Much more to come! No pictures this time, but stay tuned!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
2 months ago
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