About Our Blog

Thanks for visiting! I created this blog to share updates on my family and how grateful we are for all the blessings the Lord has given us. I am happily married and the busy working mommy of two very active little boys. We enjoy raising our family and making memories together. I blog about the ordinary adventures of family life and my many other mommy-interests.

Monday, June 9, 2008

School's Out for the Summer

Yes, we teachers do actually sing that old Alice Cooper song on the last day of school! A co-worker and I were singing it while a bunch of middle school students walked past us staring like we were bonkers or something. It is kind of fun to make the kiddos think you are crazy. And maybe we are for putting up with them all day in and day out.
So you know the old joke. What are the three best things about being a teacher? June, July and August! I must admit this is partially true. Yay for summer vacation! Today we had to go in and check out with the principal before starting summer break and James went with me. He was a great sport! Nell, our librarian and a good buddy of mine (and AMAZING photographer....www.cowtowncameragirl.com), brought her precious little guy Ezra too. She snapped some quick pictures of our guys together. Can't wait to plan a play date soon and enjoy time off with James. More time for play dates with fun friends like Ezra.....


Cowtown Camera Girl said...

Those are some cute babies!

James is always so happy when I see him! What a great baby you have!

About Our Family

In a nutshell, we're a family that is all about having fun and spending time together. Our family is made up of Daniel, Lauren, James and Brendan. We share our home with our orange tabby Tucker and our lab-mix Cheesecake. We celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary in December 2010. . We thank God for all the blessings he has given us and never forget we have been given amazing gifts in our children. We love how blogs let us stay connected with family and friends. Thanks for stopping by to check out what is new with us!