Brendan had his 18 month well-child visit and I will do the math for you and tell you he is really 19 months old. I am not sure what is up with that, but oh well. He did his 15 month check up at 16 months, so let's keep the pattern going. He did GREAT except for opening and closing the door to the little room about, hmmm, 100 times. He loved yelling out BAM and then trying to slam it, barely missing his fingers each time. Why didn't I stop him!? Oh I tried. And I tried. And I tried. It was pretty futile on my end. He shrieked and yelled no and even two times ran full speed away from me down the hall donning a diaper and sandals. That was awesome, especially when other people were out there and they have all these privacy signs up about being quiet to protect patient privacy. And here comes B. Running like some track star, his little belly button sticking out and squealing while I am trotting behind him. So my plan for next time?!??? To bring one of those thingees where kids can't open doors! YES! In fact this is such a great idea I bet you other mommies would agree with me. In fact, I think I should set up a little shop outside the doctor's office to sell these things and make a lot of money! Ha! Why do they put you in the teeny-tiny room for 20 minutes with nothing to do with a 19 month old except open and shut and open and shut and open and shut and well you get the idea. A door thingee would be better than being climbed all over by an angry sandal wearing toddler who is having a teary tantrum because out of sheer desperation you have moved a chair to block the door and are sitting in the chair.
So about the kiddo: He is GREAT, WONDERFUL, PERFECT and given what has been going on with some friends of ours I was just giving thanks for that right there in the little exam room. A healthy child. I just don't think there is anything better. No, I KNOW there is nothing better. Brendan was 25 lb and 36.5 inches tall. Our little man had a growth spurt and really shot up! The doctor noticed right away how tall he was. The pedi checked him all out (including a worrisome bump on his noggin - all ok, just a little bit assymetrical little head). On track with everything and she was really excited about how far he has come since his gross motor delay diagnosis. You can't even tell now! Unless you are a occupational therapist and you are staring at how he eats. He doesn't chew on the left. Might end up being one of B's little quirks.
How does he measure up?
At 19 months:
your child is 25 pounds, and that is
at the 31th percentile for weight.
your child is 36.5 inches, and that is
at greater than the 97th percentile for height.
So yes, Brendan is our second string bean baby. I am not sure how this happens but it does. He alternates between barely eating and being a BOTTOMLESS pit. I have never seen such a picky eater. Point him in the general direction of carbs and he will find his way. Hoping our little garden inspires him to actually eat some veggies. Lots more taking in little pairs of shorts and jeans in our near future until he fills out.
He got one little shot and then got a sucker and was a happy guy. Mommy was happy that she got to take him (Daddy has gone last couple of times). My little baby is becoming such a big boy! Pedi said paci has to go, so Brendan went to bed without it. It is a good thing I was out and not here for the tears. I am such a softie for this kid!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Gabe is the same way with carbs! I have to hide them until he eats everything else. He would eat Cheerios all day long if I let him. Of course for his 15 month, the doc was concerned about his weight loss (of course pneumonia didn't help, nor did the struggle of moving from formula to soy milk). B is just adorable! I could see him and Gabe getting along really well. :o) Oh, one tip I've heard for appointments is to bring crayons and let them scribble on the sheet on the table or worse comes to worse, an ipod touch/iphone with apps. :oP Totally agree, I'd rather wait in the waiting room where there are things for the kiddos to play with than in the little rooms!
What a great idea about coloring. At one point I did resort to tearing off some of the paper, balling it up and tried to play "catch" with him. We were that desperate! :-) I bet Gabe and Brendan would get along famously....,maybe someday we will meet up and they can have a carb-loading party. Hee hee.
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