30. Well, it hit me like a semi-truck. Not sure why, but still setting into being 30 with a bit of apprehension. Sure, everyone tells me 30 is GREAT! 30 is NO BIG DEAL! Well, it fits a little funny in my mouth to say I am 30 and then I just LOVE, LOVE, SARCASTICALLY LOVE when people say to me "You're only 30?". Gee thanks people. You just know how to make me feel good.
The upside, I have experienced a ton of awesome stuff in my 30 years and can't wait to see what is coming next. Downside, I still feel like a kid, yet the teenagers at Sonic are now calling me Mam. And I have three gray hairs, three for sure, maybe more.
It's a good thing that my best friend from high school Jessica flew down and surprised me in the cafeteria where I teach on my last day of being 29 so that I did not totally lose my sanity over losing my twenties. She was the best present I have gotten in a long time. (Much better than the temporal lobe epilepsy diagnosis I got a couple weeks before. Epilepsy totally sucks. I think I could devote an entire blog to how one manages to be a wife, mother, friend, employee, HERSELF, etc. dealing with this crap. Anywho, I digress, it is my TOTALLY wonderful friend Jessica that surprised me and made me laugh and made me cry and took me back to a normal place where I was just me, without all this other crap. I love you Jessica. I love you, I love you, I love you and I miss you so!) How to explain Jessica? Well, she is hilarious and so genuine. What you see is what you get. Pure comfort in her own skin. Always teaching you a life lesson but never in a pushy way. Always making you feel better about yourself and somehow making you seem like a person with so many gifts and the best spirit. No wonder she has been one of my favorite people for almost 15 years. If this helps, we are like 2 of the Golden Girls, and we are ok with that! I have no doubt that our far off future contains each other and supermarket runs for poli-grip and poise pads. We are just that kind of friends. The kind that you can just pick right back up as if 5 minutes went by no matter how long. When the moments you share are the memories you make, you know you've lucked out.
I had such a nice birthday thanks to my family and friends and despite me wanting it to pass be by, 30 is settling over me ok. Nothing too traumatic so far! :-) My parents came up too and we hit up Reata, one of my favorite places. I was surprised with flowers and balloons. I got a beautiful new watch. We ate delicious food. We spent too much. We had this pedicure that was unbelievable. We laughed, we hung out, we stayed in our pjs and talked until the sun went down. We left the boys with a babysitter (gasp! that is a BIG deal for me!). But the VERY.BEST.PRESENT. of all was Jessica.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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