About Our Blog

Thanks for visiting! I created this blog to share updates on my family and how grateful we are for all the blessings the Lord has given us. I am happily married and the busy working mommy of two very active little boys. We enjoy raising our family and making memories together. I blog about the ordinary adventures of family life and my many other mommy-interests.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

1 Year Check Up

James is a big boy! At his one year check up he was 32 inches tall (97th percentile) and 25 lbs (75th percentile). He is just growing by the day and continually amazing us. James favorite things lately are getting us to read his books for him, playing with his frog and stacking cups, rough housing with Daddy, playing the "bee game" with Momma, seeing his best buddy Jack and Aunt Kelli and getting spoiled by his loving Nana and Granddaddy. Other 1 year old milestones include a growing vocabulary in words and baby sign language. So far we hear "Momma", "Daddy", "Stop", "No", "Out", "Cross" (he LOVES the cross hanging above a door in our house), "Dog" and he is working awfully hard on getting out Nana, a shortened version of Granddaddy and of course Jack Jack. He has added the sign for dog to his signing vocabulary and is making some animal and insect sounds if you show him the animal or insect, such as in a book. It blows my mind how fast he is learning! Just like a little sponge!

Surprisingly, J had no problem giving up the bottle once he tasted real milk and no more yucky formula! He is now drinking cow's milk out of a sippy cup (granted half of it ends up on his shirt!). And again, surprising us, he easily gave up his paci except for bed time and time in the car. We are hoping to wean him off of it completely by 15 - 18 months, but we will see. After a lot of practice and frustration, James can stand up unassisted. This is a huge deal over here. So now we see him just pop up and start walking/running all around instead of having to crawl over to something to pull up to standing first. We think he has a panache for music because James is just drawn to it and dances along to it. He will pat his legs to the beat and sway to the music. Sometimes he even tries to sing. He obviously got this from his Daddy or Granddaddy or his uncles! The last update is that James has four teeth in now and more ready to come through. Teething has been bearable so far, except for a few days of horrible diaper rash. James was a trooper though and thank goodness for Triple Paste!

Here are a couple of pictures we had made of our one year old to send out to family and friends. Check your mail! Chances are one is headed your way! :-)


Amanda said...

He looks like a little man!! I can't believe he's already one. What a big boy!!

About Our Family

In a nutshell, we're a family that is all about having fun and spending time together. Our family is made up of Daniel, Lauren, James and Brendan. We share our home with our orange tabby Tucker and our lab-mix Cheesecake. We celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary in December 2010. . We thank God for all the blessings he has given us and never forget we have been given amazing gifts in our children. We love how blogs let us stay connected with family and friends. Thanks for stopping by to check out what is new with us!