So every once in a while a song comes along that you just love to hear. There is something about it that just seems to make sense to you. Like it was written for you and your own life. Perhaps you hear a song that you have not heard in years and it can take you right back to a specific moment or a place where you were in the past. I will make you laugh right now and tell you that in the 6th grade the song of my life was "Ordinary World" by Duran Duran. So funny! Anyhow, I sang that song like some kind of anthem in all my pre-teen angst. Well, now that I am all grown up, songs still do the same thing to me. They have a way of freezing time. Of defining life in a moment. At this time, the song of my life is "It's a Beautiful Life" by Fisher. It just makes me so so happy, well, happier, because I am already pretty darn happy! I think I am happy because ultimately life is so good and I do my best to look on the bright side, even though there is lots of darkness around us all of us right now.
Sometimes it is hard not to get discouraged by all the distressing news that surrounds us. The market keeps falling and falling, U.S. workers are being laid off at alarming rates, our neighbors are losing their homes, not to mention the all the horrible things, such as child abduction (or worse), that we see when we turn on the evening news. It can be difficult not to get depressed or worried about what will happen to those we know or to us. I worry a lot about people that I do not know and about their suffering. People who might be cold when we are warm. People who might be hungry when we are satisfied. People who are alone when we are together. We says prayers with James every night to give thanks to the Lord for our great blessings and we remember that each of us is blessed according to God's purpose and pleasure. We know that God will provide and that sometimes we will be an instrument in that if we are lucky enough. If any of us got what we truly deserve none of us would have much! It reminds me of Job who gets all excited over this bush that grows and offers him shade in the desperate heat. Then the bush withers and Job is furious! He has lost HIS bush! Well, God is quick to ask him why he is upset to lose this shady shrub which he did not plant, for which he did not labor, or for which he did not grow. Job has that "Aha!" moment. I have one every time I think of this story. I just keep that in mind whenever I want to question things I do not understand. It is not for me to understand what all is going on. It is instead my job to be grateful and to give thanks. It is for me to give of myself to others what the Lord has given to me. It is for me to raise my children with these beliefs - to work hard and to find many ways to do these honorable works.
So, when sometimes I feel distressed over all the darkness in this world, I only have to look at my son to feel a deep calm and peace. All I have to do is look at this healthy child who has a roof over his head and food in his belly and clothes on his back and love on his face to know that we will be ok. He is my light! My joy! My reason for being! My one true love song! My very own miracle walking around on two chubby feet! I only have to look at his sweet, sleeping face in the moon light. At his dimple dipping in when he smiles at me. At his hands curling up when he hugs me and squeals in delight. And then I know that it truly is a beautiful life.
It's a Beautiful Life
Hey child up and go
-Big world is out there waiting for us to
live in every day
Outside you will find
there is love all around you
-Takes you, makes you wanna' say
That it's a beautiful life
and it's a beautiful world
and it's a beautiful time
to be here, to be here, to be here
The sky's blue
-just us two
Side by side we'll see the world
that surrounds us
-Hey, seize the day
Each road - every mile's a photograph in motion
to astound us, carry us away
into a beautiful life
'Cause it's a beautiful world
and it's a beautiful time
to be here, to be here
Leave all your cares behind you
The sun is rising
Turn around -it's right in front of you
and it's a beautiful life
and it's a beautiful time
to be here, to be here, to be here
The BEAUTIFUL pictures on this post were taken by our good friend and amazing photographer Nell from Cowtown Camera Girl. She is a natural light photographer who just wows us every time! These are a couple of pictures she got at James' birthday party last week. She has been photographing him regularly since he was born. You can check out her sweet post on him and check out more of Nell's pics at at (click on "Blog") We will post when the proofs from his party are available for viewing! We cannot wait to order order order!!! Thanks for capturing these fleeting moments Nell! We love you!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
I love love LOVE the pictures from James' party! I think my favorite is Nell's favorite too. Or the picture of the picture being taken. I love them all! James is so handsome and so happy! I can't believe he is ONE already!! It's been too long!! I love you guys!!
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