About Our Blog

Thanks for visiting! I created this blog to share updates on my family and how grateful we are for all the blessings the Lord has given us. I am happily married and the busy working mommy of two very active little boys. We enjoy raising our family and making memories together. I blog about the ordinary adventures of family life and my many other mommy-interests.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Surviving Two Under Two

So a while back I posted that our blog would be getting a new name. Well, it was supposed to. Something a little more exciting than Duffy Family News. I had the best intentions, but coming up with something new and witty got lost between loads of laundry, midnight feedings and numerous viewings of Thomas the Train. But I digress, I seriously think a great name for this blog would be Dazed and Confused. That is how I feel lately! Wouldn't trade it for the world of course, but I AM totally dazed and completely confused. Where the heck are the resources for parenting two under two. I was just getting the hang of James and now I am flustered at how I can manage this!!! I will because I am the Mom after all, but between us, I am pretty dang clueless. Anyone out there have any good books or websites for parenting two sweet boys 20 months apart? Advice needed! Also, in the midst of my mommy fatigue, I could use some reassurance that there are actual human beings out there who are following this blog. If you ever stop by to read what is going on with us, let me know by becoming a follower of our blog. I am also going to post some more links on here to blogs I enjoy. I am hooked on a few of them....

PS- to "follow" us, click "Follow" on the right and follow the steps! Pretty please!


Cowtown Camera Girl said...

My hat is off to you girl. I don't know how you do it. If you are dazed and confused I would be totally dazed and confused. ha! You are doing a good job! And I love following you on your blog. :0)

Ali said...

I'm trying to add myself, but, it's adding my endo blog not my other blog for some reason. I'll try another day! :)

Lauren, Daniel, James and baby Brendan. said...

Thanks girls! I am glad that I have some readers. I love blogging because it is a way for family and friends who don't live nearby to keep up with us and I have also found it is a great way to express my worries or concerns and get feedback and support. I have found some awesome blogs and I follow each of you! I will have to see if you have that option on your blogs and see if I can add myself. :-)

About Our Family

In a nutshell, we're a family that is all about having fun and spending time together. Our family is made up of Daniel, Lauren, James and Brendan. We share our home with our orange tabby Tucker and our lab-mix Cheesecake. We celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary in December 2010. . We thank God for all the blessings he has given us and never forget we have been given amazing gifts in our children. We love how blogs let us stay connected with family and friends. Thanks for stopping by to check out what is new with us!