The last couple of months have been a whirlwind of nervousness, uncertainty, euphoria, exhaustion and thankfulness. In this short time, Daniel applied, interviewed and accepted a job offer with his company in The Woodlands, Texas. This is an outstanding career move for Daniel as well as something that had been in his heart for a long time. Not too long ago, he applied for the same job in Plano and was turned down. We were bummed, but decided that the time was just not right. But then this opportunity came along and he got it! We always say all things will happen in God's time and this is better than we could have even imagined. It felt like we were building a big jigsaw puzzle and every single puzzle piece we pulled next was the exact right piece that we needed. That is the best way I can describe it. One of the best things about this whole thing is that we can be close to my parents and family in the Houston area. We have not been within 250 miles of family for the last 8 years. It's about time we came home!
It has been a long and difficult road getting down here. I had not known exhaustion like this before, not even with a newborn in the house. Beyond tired is all I can say. Daniel went on ahead to start work and I was holding down the fort alone. Hard work! And Daniel was driving 1,000 miles a WEEK between his work commute and coming home to visit us each weekend. We have learned how tough we are! We are still catching up on our rest.
Let me say that once we are in our home (and out of my family's house), we will not be moving again for a very, very, VERY long time. To put it mildly the whole thing was quite an ordeal. It seemed like whatever could go wrong with a move went wrong with our move. It was very frustrating dealing with the company and they made a lot of mistakes. That combined with us being novice movers, it was extremely stressful. My kids deserve medals for being such troopers throughout the whole thing. B is young enough that he was not fazed at all, but I can tell it is has been tough on J. We checked out a bunch of books about moving from the library and I know that they helped. He was very excited to see the moving truck pull up!
We are at my parent's house now getting settled in. How wonderful are my parents to make the offer for us to live here? It is nice to be here and laugh and talk and make memories together. I am doing the normal housekeeping stuff and have started cooking for the whole family, which I love. The best thing so far is that I am LOVING this time with my boys. When I can drive again this fall, it is going to be even more awesome! It is indescribable the feeling I get when I look at them and know that I am not having to give this moment to someone else. While I was working we had a lot of quality time but felt like I was ruled by the clock. And my family got what was left of me, instead of the best of me. Now they get all my energy and focus. What a change it makes in a family!
I adore just being with my boys, getting down on the floor to play with them, taking little opportunities to teach them new things, letting them "help" me with whatever I am doing, but the best is when they crawl into my lap with a book. We must have read over an hour yesterday. We take walks, we play in the yard, we blow bubbles, we sing songs, we play with play dough, we do every thing they think looks fun and exciting.
Right now I am busy finding a routine for us. We had been without one for a while with Daniel already gone and the move. But I am taking it slowly and relishing that there is no rush. We have TIME and we are not constantly hurrying from one activity to another. I wouldn't mind doing some tutoring or working at a place like Sylvan on Saturdays as long as I get to be the primary caretaker of my kiddos. Of course, we mommies do whatever we have to do for our families and if I need to go back to work, of course I will. But I pray for the ability to stay home for a couple of years. The power of prayer is beyond amazing, so we will see what God has in store for our little family. I cannot ever get this time back and I am so suited for this. I will blink my eye and they will be grown! My children are my favorite people in the world and I am savoring every single second with them and watching their relationship with each ofter flourish. James told me Brendan was his best buddy and Brendan follows James around with his big grin. My boys. Be still my heart!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
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