About Our Blog

Thanks for visiting! I created this blog to share updates on my family and how grateful we are for all the blessings the Lord has given us. I am happily married and the busy working mommy of two very active little boys. We enjoy raising our family and making memories together. I blog about the ordinary adventures of family life and my many other mommy-interests.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Day in the Life of James Duffy

Jack and James just hanging out. Can these be the same tiny babies we brought home from the hospital less than one year ago???

A day in the life of James Duffy: We got up and got ready for the day. I actually had to go in and get James because he was awake and just playing quietly with his toys in his crib. We needed to get our day started! This involved lots of giggling and silliness. I have never seen such a happy baby first thing in the morning! That grin that he gives me is the best thing! Breakfast was homemade peaches and oatmeal. Very yum! Then we headed to the Haslet Library for storytime which James LOVED. We checked out new books for the week and then headed home so James could nap. We had lunch and played hard, exploring the whole house, including under the dining table. He is crawling everywhere. We sang, we looked at ourselves in the mirror, we checked the mail. James acts as though he has never done anything as special as help open the mailbox. For his sake I act as if it is the most special thing ever and proceed out to the curb with the greatest enthusiam one can muster. We pore over every last piece of mail and he waves the junk mail all around on the way back into the house. I took pictures of him and some video too, as usual. James chased the cats, I chased him. He also practiced pulling up on the furniture and zoomed all over the kitchen in his walker. Then James napped again completely worn out from being such an active little guy. Around 4pm Kelli and Jack came over to hang out. It is always nice to see them. Jack and James played with toys and seemed fascinated with each other as usual. After they left, we sat out in the yard for a while when it was cool and then got ready for bedtime. PJs, night time book reading, rocking and prayers. What a wonderful day! Just being with him makes my heart happy.....

Oh, James! You are just too sweet!


Cowtown Camera Girl said...

This is the sweetest post. :0) Did you ever think you could be so in love? I never imagined.

About Our Family

In a nutshell, we're a family that is all about having fun and spending time together. Our family is made up of Daniel, Lauren, James and Brendan. We share our home with our orange tabby Tucker and our lab-mix Cheesecake. We celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary in December 2010. . We thank God for all the blessings he has given us and never forget we have been given amazing gifts in our children. We love how blogs let us stay connected with family and friends. Thanks for stopping by to check out what is new with us!