I have hernia repair surgery scheduled for next Thursday November 5th. They say it is about a two week recovery time which means that if I go back after exactly two weeks it would be the day before Thanksgiving break. My school seems to feel that I will be coming back after Thanksgiving break (we get the whole week off). That means another whole month off. Not sure how I feel about this. I had psyched myself up for returning November 9th. This sort of makes me feel off balance and I will have to psych myself up all over again. The part of me that enjoys paying my mortgage is a little nervous. Hope my disability pays what they should for this! James and Brendan will be starting daycare full time on the day I was to resume working originally (if not a couple of days sooner). I literally will not know what to do with myself home alone. I will not be able to lift anything for a while so that is why they have to go. Sad. I think I will be pretty lonely without my boys. Maybe I can take that time and get some photo books designed. That could probably keep me pretty busy. Anywho, glad to get this thing fixed up although I am uneasy about it. I've had lots of surgeries and usually I am a champ at it. But since becoming a mother the whole thing makes me a nervous wreck. It's just different now. I actually told Daniel last night that I had changed my mind and that I could just live with it. He told me no way jose! I know he is right, but I am scared. So next week, please think of me and send up some prayers for me. Although totally unrelated to this post, I am including a rather random collection of photos I've taken lately. Enjoy!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Man! Good luck with the surgery! Take care!
Thanks girl! I found out since this post that the recovery time might be 4 weeks instead of 2. :-( I sure hope not.
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